Innovation in the Arts is a guest post I wrote for Innovation in Mission, a blog by Jon Hirst connected with the book he published with the title Innovation in Mission.
I have not had a face-to-face meeting with Jon -- we recently connected on the social networking site called facebook. But, Jon's parents, Lester and Priscilla Hirst are good friends and former colleagues in the same mission. I have a lot of respect for Les and Priscilla. They have been a great encouragement to me, and to many others that I know.
Other posts on this blog related to "Missional Art."
- A Film Showing that God is at Work in Japan
- "Bicycle" - A Film by Biola University & Studio Re:
- Missional Art - Lamp Post Graphic Novels
- Manga Messiah: Expanding Around the Globe II
Three Books Related to "Missional Art:"
Looks good, Paul. I would add "Roaring Lambs" by Bob Briner to that list. Great book about impacting culture by being a part of it.
Mike H, one of my Cornerstone friends, sent the following comment to me:
Thanks for sending me the blog on Missional Art. This is very interesting to me. I look forward to hearing more from you on the topic.
I'm interested at a number of levels, especially that grey area where Missional Art shades into just Art. For example, do U2 consider what they do as Missional, or just Art? And is it Missional anyway?
As I read the blog, one thing that popped out at me is this phenomenon of Japanese people being interested in Gospel Music. Has anyone ever done a documentary on this topic? I think that an honest, even "neutral" documentary on this would be missional in and of itself. Maybe you should bring that film team back out for another round of producing!
Thanks for the update. Keep thinking about all these things, as will I. Good things will come of it all.
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