I want to recognize and thank Megumi, Scot, Shane, Josh, Graham, and Tim for all you did to make this happen! Featuring original music composed for this series by Tim, we are really pleased to make this short film available on the Internet.
Please make use of this!
- Send the youtube link for this video to your friends, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r02G8l6CLgs
- Copy the "embed" code that appears next to the video on youtube and paste it into your blog or web site.
- Show it to your Sunday school class or small group
- Use it as part of a message or Bible study
A previous post from this blog regarding Studio Re:
"Studio Re:" is an innovative initiative that I have the great privilege of being a part of. We have an amazing team forming around our vision of "Impacting Japanese culture through redemptive films."
“Studio Re:” is a group of Christian artists who are producing films that lead Japanese to discover that there is more to life...much more.
We produce films in a variety of genres that present redemptive content and pose crucial questions. These films seek to affect and change the shape of contemporary Japanese culture and its inhabitants by assuming a biblical paradigm; offering redemption instead of separation, hope instead of resignation, design instead of chaos. It is a sowing ministry that will prepare the minds and hearts of the Japanese in order to shorten the spiritual distance between them and Jesus Christ.
Our strategy:
- To establish a team of empowered, dedicated staff with common values who live out their faith.
- To gain, interact and follow up with our audience via the Internet.
- To cultivate a library of award-winning films that are redemptive and have value to Japanese society.
- To collaborate closely with key churches, schools, and other groups
- To build a solid business plan that results in financial stability
If you want to help with this vision, or know someone else who you think might want to be involved, leave a comment on this blog or write to me at pnethercott (at) mac.com
In particular, we are looking for skilled, dedicated people to come and work with us for at least two years.
We are also looking for $30,000 dollars to buy equipment and pay other expenses related to producing films. But, small contributions will help and are deeply appreciated.

TEAM P.O. Box 969 Wheaten, Illinois 60187
Online contributions are also an option at the TEAM Home Page. Select "Japan" under the "ministry area" tab and then under the "project" tab select "Christians in the Arts Network."
For more information:
Email: can.studio.re (at) gmail.com
Studio Re: Web Site: www.studio-re.com
Thanks for posting this, Paul. I also want to add that the music in the second half was composed by, and used with the permission of, Greg Pak. [http://klutzmusic.com/]
Thanks Scot for adding that information. And, thanks for finding the music of Greg and getting permission to use it!
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